April’s Creative Challenge: Complete Five Classes (including projects)
I had a tons of fun learning new skills this month on Skillshare. I am probably going to pay for a premium subscription because I love learning and think learning new things is valuable for both my career and my brain. I ended up learning skills I wanted to learn for years (like designing a repeat pattern! and calligraphy!) and their site makes it easy to learn in my spare time.
Just take a look at the smattering of fun stuff I made this month!
Classes I Finished This Month
Pen and Ink Calligraphy: The Art of the Envelope—My Calligraphy EnvelopesWaterbrush Lettering Essentials—My Waterbrush Lettered CardsIntroduction to Designing Repeat Patterns in Illustrator—My First Repeat PatternPaper to Digital: Watercolor Brush Lettering—My Digitized LetteringBaugasm Series #1: Experimental Gradients—My Experimental Gradient PosterBaugasm Series #2: Clothing Effect in C4D—My Clothing Effect Poster
Classes I’ve Started
- Introduction to Modern Script Calligraphy (Calligraphy I)
- Finding Your Personal Script Style (Calligraphy II)
- Experimenting with Layouts, Surfaces, and Digitization (Calligraphy III)
- Storytelling Fundamentals: Character, Conflict, Context, Craft
- Smart Responsive UX Design
- Drawing Letters, Making Art: Beyond the Page
- Digitize Your Watercolors in Photoshop
Classes I want to Take
- Simplified Pattern Design
- Writing Academy: Write Great Dialogue
- Writing Academy: Writing a Setting
- Write Character-Driven Short Stories
- Customizing Type with Draplin: Designing Wordmarks that Work
- Logo Design with Draplin: Secrets of Type, Layout, and Color
- Watercolor and Mixed Media
- The Hitchcock Method: How to Add Suspense to Anything You Write
- Lettering for Designers: One Dropcap Letterform at a Time
- Hand Drawn Typography for Poster Design
- Hand Lettering: Add Digital Color and Texture for Final Polish
- Vintage Hand Lettering: Style Phrases for Timeless Appeal
- Hand Lettering Workshop: Illustrating with Lettering
- Surface Pattern Design 2.0: Design A Collection
- Intro to Surface Pattern Design
- Pattern Design II: A Creative Look at a Full Pattern Collection
- Watercolor for Surface Pattern Design
- Pattern Design: Bring Your Artwork to Life on Products
- Digitizing Hand Lettering to Refined Vector
- What’s in Your Lettering Toolbox? Know Your Hand Lettering Tools Like a Pro
- Art Essentials: Learn Watercolor Painting Basics
- Making Your First Zine: From Idea to Illustration
- Digital Illustration: Design Your Avatar
- Baugasm Series #3: Create Abstract Shapes
- Baugasm Series #4: Abstract Iridescent Effect
- Baugasm Series #5: 3D Shapes in Illustrator & Photoshop
- Baugasm Series #6: Abstract Gradient Shapes in Photoshop
- Baugasm Series #7: Liquid Effect in Photoshop
- Demystifying Beauty: Inspiration for Design (only because Ellen Lupton is teaching!)
- Typography That Works: Composition and Fonts (again, Ellen Lupton)
- Having Fun with Web Fonts and Web Typography
- Introduction to DSLR: Use your Camera Like a Pro
Want a Free Month of Skillshare?
Although this is not a sponsored post, I will get a free month of SkillShare Premium (and so will you!) if you sign up through their referral program link. This isn’t why I chose to do this challenge. I actually thought to include this after I wrote the original challenge post since others might want to do the same (binge some classes in a month), and am including it again in the recap because I seriously recommend this site. I’m debating on continuing this creative challenge next month or doing another writing challenge because I have an idea for another new project that has to be written (go figure). I’ll let you know if I ever finish anything…
What classes would you take if you had a free month or two of SkillShare?
Disclaimer: This is NOT a sponsored post. I did not receive compensation for my endorsement of this website. I will receive a free month of SkillShare (and so will you!) if you sign up for a free month of premium through their referral program link.